Final projects


Komiňáková Alica

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


In my diploma thesis I deal with the premises of technical services of the town Vysoké Tatry. The premises are located near one of the most visited parts of the town - Starý Smokovec, but due to the dense forest, they are almost invisible from the main road. The premises include several interesting modernist buildings, the look of which clearly determines their former function. The premises were originally used by the national company Mototechna. They were built during the period of preparations for the 1970 World Cup, which is known in the High Tatras for its influx of remarkable modernist buildings. Today, the premises house the town's technical services, fire department and a collection yard. In the design, I tried to utilise the strategic location of the premises within the High Tatras, but also the effective use of areas that are part of the premises’ lands. Thanks to the gradually obtained information on waste management, I designed a waste transhipment station within the premises, which aims to prevent very frequent export of the waste to the city of Poprad. The aim of the design was to find a suitable location for all the needs of technical services to suit their current as well as future needs. Thanks to the change in the functional use of some areas within the premises, a space for the establishment of a forest nursery, or the possibility of creating compost from bio-waste was created. The main intention, when making all the transformations, was related to the elimination of creation of new waste. At the same time, I tried to point out the importance of protecting modern architecture and the need for sensitive adaptation for new uses.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.