Final projects

Playful Garden - Elementary School Terezín

Kroupová Hana

Landscape Architecture, Bachelor Project


The theme of the bachelors thesis is the transformation of the entire premises of the Terezin elementary school. The goal is to bring a multifunctional garden to the school, which will give children a place to learn through play, fun and enjoyment. The overall completion of the bachelor’s theses will be aimed - according the document “Obsah bakalářské práce – studijní program KA, akt. 2021” – at these specific elements: Objects of small architecture including architectonic and structural solutions. The designed elements of small architecture will be mostly made by the author. • Finishing and specifying parts of the accumulation tank • Design of a water element The list of specific points according to the reports of the thesis supervisor, the external reviewer and commission of the bachelor theses defence: • Edits in the part of “Magical forest” o Redesign of the arbour o Reducing the number of trees and changes to the species list o Changes of the ground surface • Edits in the part of “Play corner” o Inventively made playful elements o Finishing of the seating places • And others. The edits of the bachelor’s thesis will be both in the graphics part, and written part.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.