Final projects

Senior Housing in Brno

Bc. Lucie Svobodová

Design, MA diploma project


The aim of the work was to create a framework concept of a possible construction solution of a shared housing for seniors based on three different standards. The designs are reflecting the actual social needs of housing for seniors. The project specification is based on the before Thesis seminar where the urban and spatial analysis of free land and already existing town owned objects in the district of Brno – Střed had been done. Standard: 1 / Apartment – proposal of apartment reconstruction, optionally conneciton of more apartments for senior shared housing. 2 / Reconstruction – proposal of reconstruction and a partly completion of the existing townhouse for senior shared housing. 3 / Completion – proposal of community housing in town, optimal design of shared housing, compliance with standards, shared neighbourhood.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.