Erasmus Exhibition

потік - stream

Bc. Eliška Syrůčková


Life starts in water and spreads around it, inspired by the meandering flow of a river, we envision Irpin as a dynamic process of adaptation. Just as a rivers course is shaped by the contours of the land, Irpin will be shaped by the collective aspirations and actions of its citizens. To spark this process we merely want to offer the strong community of Irpin tools to (re)construct their reality. This democratic and decentralized process will not only accommodate the changing needs of the individuals and the community but will make the city more resilient towards external stresses such as flooding, changes in capacity or even future attacks, which could change the structure of the city yet again.

my key experience from erasmus

In studios and other subjects, work is primarily done in groups, with an emphasis on discussion and the argumentation of one's own opinions. Nothing is considered wrong, and the entire study experience takes place in a friendly atmosphere.

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