Exhibition of Studio Projects


Budějovické náměstí is the former name of the area in Prague 4 at the intersection of Olbrachtova, Vyskočilova and Budějovická streets, at the northwest east of today's Budějovická metro station. My design uses the empty space in front of the Česká spořitelna building. I am trying to make the busy place of Budějovické náměstí at the exit from the metro more pleasant. I offer shadow to a public transport stop. The roof creates a multifunctional market, suitable for cultural events of all kinds. From the market, stairs lead to the restaurant, which is equipped with all the necessary rooms for the operation of gastronomic establishment. With my design, I am trying to change the dynamics of the place with a small intervention and use its advantages.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Petr Kordovský