Exhibition of Studio Projects


Bc. Ester Maria Dvořáková


One´s does not go to the hospital to say goodbye or die. It is a place which helps pacients to heal and bounce back to a world where they will be self-sufficient. In addition to private rooms, I offer quite a few social spaces that can encourage the will to heal or offer a space to relax. The treatment center closes the land in Barrandov by leaving free space for the inhabitants as it was. I offer residential areas and a garden not only to patients, but also to the citizens of Barrandov and the passing public. The floor plan of LDN is opening up, yet it leaves some privacy to the residents of the hospital. The desire to separate rehabilitation from the hospital is reflected in the creation of the western pavilon. There is a certain privacy in LDN, but also enough worldview to motivate.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Michal Kuzemenský