Exhibition of Studio Projects

Beyond Futurum

Bc. Vojtěch Suchan


Urban design study for an area between the intersection of Kutnohorská and U Křižovatky streets and Kolín railway station. The busy Kolín railway station is isolated from the rest of the city by a through road. As a result the journey to the railway station involves a lengthy wait at a single pedestrian crossing or navigating down a narrow underpass. Parking for commuters only exists within the remains of razed industrial buildings. The goal was to design a new urban structure on the valuable land near the transport hub and to connect the city center and "Kouřimské předměstí" borough with the station. The main axis of the design is the newly straightened Kutnohorská street. The Shopping centre's capacity was retained through the inclusion of pedestals under the residential blocks.

For the content of this site is responsible: prof. Ing. arch. Miroslav Cikán