Exhibition of Studio Projects


Josefína Jírovcová


The landscape of Semněvice and many others in the country suffers from large areas of agricultural land, the soil is degraded, life is leaving it and the yields are decreasing. How to bring life back to the agricultural landscape, how to farm sustainably and how to adapt to current conditions? The aim of the project is to find a compromise between a healthy landscape and modern farming by analysing and explaining the simple principles of dividing field ropes on a selected area. The design is part of the whole Semněvice landscape concept, which was developed by a team of seven students. The project included a new road network, the restoration of the water regime, a new approach to agriculture and the division of the fields, and the development of the village's intramural area.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. Klára Salzmann, Ph.D.