Exhibition of Studio Projects


Bc. Volodymyr Ferniuk


The block consists of 13 houses that are defined on certain typologies and target groups of residents. My part of the block are 7 houses which are divided into 4 housing typologies: 1.Standard, 2. Higher standard, 3.Apartments for the elderly, 4. Rental. The houses are based on garages conceived under part of the block to allow access there from each house, the growth of high green areas and a water reservoir in the middle at the same time. The garages are made in different terrene researches that copy the slope of the terrain and the continuity with the houses. The entrance to the parking garage is from the street on the eastern part of the block. The block is designed in 3 parts: 1. public character - passage through the block, semi-private character, private charakter.

For the content of this site is responsible: prof. Ing. arch. Michal Kohout