Exhibition of Studio Projects


Matej Vinc


The atmosphere of the old slaughterhouse was the inspiration for the conceptual design of the new foodhub. The main idea of the project is to transform this historic place, which will serve as a culinary and social centre for the general public. The foodhub building is partly two-storey. The design also includes a riverside solution overlooking the Broumov Monastery, adding an aesthetic and recreational dimension to the whole project. An important aspect is the connection with the surroundings and the landscape, so that access to the foodhub is convenient for all visitors and from all directions. The project shows the flexibility of use of the foodhub space and its ability to adapt to changing conditions and community needs. The idea of the project is to revitalize the old slaughterhouse.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Boris Redčenkov