Exhibition of Studio Projects

MAP motion-picture academy praha

Karla Pavová, Johana Odvody


A filmmaker doesn't have to suffer to show suffering (1), therefore our vision was to make the best version of combining beauty, comfort and rationality. For the concept, we picked three main point of focus - embracing the trusses, strictly dividing functions (dormitories and school) and putting a coat of distinguished materials on a simply shaped mass. The functions are divided by a volume of air, connected with one room-like bridge. The dorms consist of flats with space for 4 students and the school is filled with various rooms, each one of them strategically placed next to the other to ensure a nice flow. (1) DAVID LYNCH: “STORIES SHOULD HAVE THE SUFFERING”. Online. The Talks. 2024. Dostupné z: https://the-talks.com/interview/david-lynch/. [cit. 2024-05-28].

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