Exhibition of Studio Projects

Revitalization of General Lázaro Cárdenas Park

Bc. Natálie Orihelová


The revitalization project of General Lázaro Cárdenas Park focuses on the transformation of public space with the aim of increasing its functionality, aesthetic quality and safety. This park, an important part of Engel's green belt, has not yet reached its full potential. The new proposal brings a comprehensive conceptual solution. The project also includes the preservation and new placement of existing sculptures representing South American culture. The proposed revitalization includes the modification of the road network, the direct connection of the park to the public area of the school and the planting of new greenery. A key part is also the change of the traffic regime in the adjacent streets Antonín Čermák and Maďarská, including the introduction of a pedestrian zone and K+R parking.

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