ZAN projects
Villa Mountain climber - House for Adam Ondra / Wallhouse Mountain climber - climbing centre
My first project is a villa for famous Czech mountain climber Adam Ondra. My intention was to give It the dynamic of the mountain climber and peace of home. Most of the house has big windows to give the space as much light and connection to the garden as possible. The villa is made of two shapes crossing each other. With part just for the family and visitors sector.
The second project is climbing center with bigwall outside the building in shape of world´s highest mountains Mt Everest and K2. I used triangulation to simplify the shape, added overhangs to gain more space and more difficult parts of the wall. At the back side of the building there is a staircase functioning as a vantage point and a connection to a roof garden with bar. My inspiration for the stairs was New York Vesseel.