ZAN projects
Svaty Jan pod Skalou. A place of many meanings. A destination for pilgrims, a home for locals, but also a frequent stop for tourists. Attendance is up, but everything else is stagnant.
The space between the monastery and the former spa park caught my eye almost immediately. Its depravity and untapped potential simply cannot be overlooked. An unorganized parking lot by today, tomorrow a place for pause?
The abbreviation LAX-PAX-FAX is a puzzle, a derivative of three types. Initial written from People (in Czech - Lidé), Space (Prostor) and Function, which were my main pillars when designing the concept. The middle A then denotes the most numerous letter in the name (svAty jAn pod skAlou) and the last X is connected to how I perceive the place - a junction, a collision of paths.