ZAN projects
The Rest from a City
17. 4. - Today, Ruda from the next town invited me to his place for a barbecue. When I was riding my bike there, I stumbled upon a place down the road. I didn't have much time. I'll have to come back here again sometime. I arrived…
5/25 - ... that's why I should be probably studying, but I'm going for a bike ride. I need to get out for a while. … I took a book with me and drove to the Reservoir to read. An hour-long ride turned into a four-hour ride. I lost track of time.
29. 6. - ... and we had nothing to do. I told them about the Reservoir. They didn't want to go that far at first, but in the end they changed their mind. We made a fire and were there for the rest of the day.
17. 2. - ... that's why I took out my cross-country skis. I haven't been there for a while.