ZAN projects

START-UP HUB for artists

Bojana Roženská


Start-up hub is a place for emerging artists who would be offered the opportunity to live there and focus solely on creating and presenting their art during sponsored 6-month internships. The build is located in the north part of functionalist villa settlement Baba, close to a sports area and a kindergarten. The main volume of the object has six-meter tall ceiling and is divided into art studios and a main gallery space with a kitchenette and a bar table. The space of the main studio and the gallery can be further shaped, divided and opened, according to current needs. There are two two-bedroom apartments in the off-set volume of the house, which has a more intimate charcter. The two functional parts are connected via technical and passageway core in the center of the whole build.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Akad. arch. Lukáš Liesler