Mapping, interpretation and evaluation of cultural, architectural heritage is usually based on archives or in-situ survey. However, research focused on the industrial or modern architecture (especially postwar) needs and offers more complex, sophisticated approach. Relevant sources, such as archives, journals and books, are more or less technically oriented, concerned on engineering solutions, practical informations (Cf. modernist concept and ethos); and in Eastern Europe, due to former socialist régime, malformed by the censorship and political rhetoric, or often dissapeared in the nineties and does not even exist. These buildings were covered with new insulations, colours and details, interiors were already lost. How we can evaluate history and wide consequences under these circumstances? It seems to be time to involve and elaborate different, new methods in historic-architectural research, such as: oral history, intergenerational workshops, interdisciplinary colloquiums, participation, public discussions, colaboration with Media, amateur historians and enthusiasts etc. This new view could uncover unexpected identity of the place, new historic layers and opportunities to incorporate overlooked inherited architecture in everyday life and contemporary society.