Smart cities and smart growth are often used in today debates about cities and their development. In general there is a constant growth of urban population, in Europe we are reaching the peak, while in the rest of the world the urban population increases and the need is high for dwellings and shelters there. The spatial quality does not correspond directly to measurable parameters of sustainability tools linked to energy efficiency or organizational efficiency or to infrastructural or transportation systems. But the spatial quality of urban environment has direct impact in the social sphere. For example, there is a difference between only one available way to reach your home or situation where man has more choices and more ways to reach it. The detailed analyses of case studies show differences between the real situation of spatial configuration and planned and designed situation of the urban environment. It shows, where possibly some interventions can be proposed. The analyses is based on the comparative method using methods of urban morphology, classification of spaces by its accessibility and analyses of connectivity and intelligibility by space syntax tools. The connectivity and intelligibility have been chosen as key parameters. The case study of detailed analyses shows, how important part of sustainable and inclusive development is the spatial configuration of housing complex in urban environment. Lessons learnt from housing complexes in Prague, or Europe in general, can be used in the rapidly growing societies to stress the importance of public space layout, its quality and connectivity.