Both places and cities have always been shaped by the behaviour of their inhabitants. More than ever, today, we are facing rapid changes in our daily lives through modern technologies and our ability to move, work and communicate in different places simultaneously. Therefore, we search for safety; a feeling of home is very important and we would like to create a linkage with the place. C. Day’s sustainable space is such a place, where people will take care of it. The shape and form of our built environment can contribute to a better understanding and orientation in our space. In the case study of Prague, current residential complexes, the qualities of public space and the city grid will be studied. Several examples of high-quality design show that the space in between matters, that the sense of visibility, accessibility and orientation is important, maybe more than some might think. Examples of newly builtup areas are not properly connected with the surrounded city and often they do not contribute to the existing environment by adding any new qualities. Current residential complexes are studied on a different scale and the analytical method is proven. The qualities of public space, shaping streets and other features are compared with the old examples of good practice. It is evident that the understanding of space is related to its street pattern and shaping of space. The quality of buildings stands in second position. This must be taken into account when designing, but also in the process of decisionmaking. Public space plays an important role in the context of sustainable development and management of our cities.