Loop (http://environmentalpavilion.tumblr.com/)is a solid wood pavilion that adsorbs the moistureduring night and evaporate it during hot summer days.Its panelling is warping in the sun and low relativehumidity, thus supporting the circulation of humid airin its environment.Loop is a contribution to the Research by Designon Responsive Wood started by Michael Hensel andAchim Menges at the AA School of Architecture in2005 and is a second prototype of the first author’sEnvironmental Summer Pavilions project thatdeveloped the previous one, pareSITE Pavilion (http://archinect.com/mobius), further. By spatial organisationof its panelling and the shape of the overall structure,we reached much higher performance. The design wasaccomplished in Grasshopper for Rhino 5 and digitallyfabricated.The project is a result of a transdisciplinary, onesemester lasting, studio course at the Faculty of Artand Architecture at the Technical University of Liberecand the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciencesat the Czech University of Life Sciences in Praguelead by Marie Davidová, Šimon Prokop and MartinKloda. Architect, environmental design and woodengineering students were involved in the project astransdisciplinarity is crucial in the field of PerformanceOriented Design in general.The pavilion served as a stage for EnviroCity festival(https://www.facebook.com/envirocity/) in Pragueduring the summer 2014.