

Ing. Pavel Krupík

Digital and technological innovations that have grown rapidly in recent years have been referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. The fourth industrial revolution as a whole will decisively reshape all phases of the process of investment preparation, their implementation and the subsequent administration and maintenance of buildings. These changes will fundamentally affect most construction professions and will require changes in their knowledge and skills. Some professions will disappear, some will be newly constituted, which will require a new constitution of lifelong learning systems. Ensuring the competitiveness of the Czech Republic and the Czech construction industry will require purposeful monitoring of these trends, support for research and innovation, support for start-ups and support for small and medium-sized enterprises in particular and their approaches to these innovations. It seems as if the construction industry is somewhat aside. The big topic in present construction is BIM (Building Information Modeling), but this is just one component of the considered Construction 4.0. Other topics, if not completely neglected, are minimally delayed. Nevertheless, it is important to deal with them. These include virtual and augmented reality, 3D printers, advanced building materials, prefabricated and modular designs, Big data and predictive analytics, 3D scanning and photogrammetry, autonomous vehicles and drones, cloud collaboration (real-time collaboration) or wireless monitoring and connecting equipment. The paper comprehensively deals with the description of the Construction 4.0 with a focus on the environment of the Czech Republic and on transport construction. The content is complemented by an assessment of the current situation, indicating the possibility of use in practice.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.