This is the 2nd phase of a research within the multi-annual plan focusing on the function of the coating layer with reflective properties, whereby the main measured values are especially the heat transmissions. A thin coating "functional" layer from the mixture of "Glass Bubbles" 3M ™ and the fixation medium is applied to a matrix, that is to be improved in terms of its thermo-technical behavior. [2] As part of the mid-term research, a coating layer was selected on which a series of thermal and technical parameters were measured. For the research, a measuring base was set up at Nova Ves (CZ), where 3 identical cargo container units A, B and C are all differing with in application of the functional layer – heat blocker. A - without application, presenting a reference container, B - with application on inner walls and C - with application on outside walls. In these units, indoor temperature and ambient humidity is being measured, along with the surface temperature of the shell outside and inside the unit. Data of outdoor temperatures, humidity, precipitation and solar intensity are measured with a meteorological station nearby.