
The Faculty of Architecture at CTU invites you to a 30th anniversary celebration of the Velvet Revolution

The celebrations to be held on Monday, November 11, will include the awarding of medals, the launch of the book 30 Years of Freedom. Interviews on Society and Architecture, and a moderated debate with the participation of prominent Czech architects associated with the Faculty. The event aims to give current students, who were born after 1989, a window to the time and the state of architecture and society in that period. It is generational experience and dialogue between generations that produce the relationships on which the results of democracy grow, stand or fall.

The thirtieth anniversary of the revolution is an opportunity to emphasize the values for which people were demonstrating at the time, as well as to evaluate the post-November path of Czech society and architecture,” says Jan Jakub Tesař, Vice-Dean for External Relations. Just like five and ten years ago, the faculty is holding a public debate. In addition, this year the Faculty is publishing a book collecting the thoughts, opinions and memories of the revolution in the words of several generations of architects.

Program akce 30. výročí sametové revoluce

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.