
Announcement of the Student Grant Competition for 2024

The Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague announces the CTU Student Grant Competition for 2024. As part of the announced call, new project proposals - one-year to three-year - implemented in the calendar years 2024 to 2026 can be submitted. Applications for new grants can be submitted from 31. October 27. November 2023. The competition is intended to support student projects as part of the activities of students in doctoral and master's study programs in the field of research, experimental development and innovation. On the web address, documents in the version valid for the year 2O24 are displayed. Applications are submitted electronically via the SGS application. You can find more information about SGS at the Faculty of Architecture here:

For the content of this site is responsible: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.