The library was created by a long-term purchase of specialized publications at the Department of Building Design. Part of it was financed from grant funds, part of which consists of donations of practicing architects. A large part of the titles are the detached collection of the Central Library of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
The library cooperates with the library of departments 15113, 15114 and RCIH and is involved in the electronic catalog of this library together with other departments - eg the library of the department 15119 (Department of Urbanism). Books from the collection of the Department 15118 are marked in the catalog with the signature T.
Publications are available according to the location of the selected book. If the book is deposited at the Department of Building Design, it is available for rent at the Department secretariat, where FA students can study it on-site or borrow it for a distance of 7 days compared to the down payment of the value of the study. PhD students and teachers can borrow books at a distance. Books stored in the reading room are available in room 722 - library reading room 15113, 15114 and VCPD.