
Ing. arch. Jan Bittner

PhD Candidate, Assistant Researcher, Lecturer

Všechny publikace

Bittner, J.
published in
In: People - City - Transport 2023: Book of Extended Abstracts. Praha: CTU FA. Department of Spatial Planning, 2023. p. 35-40.
Treatise in proceedings
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Researchers across the globe have been scrutinising the built environment and transport relations for the last two decades (1). Such works mostly focus on regional levels in the US or Western European regions (2), whereas in the Czech Republic, there is a significant lack of research in this particular field. Moreover, the Czech urban and transport planning discourse is still based on a traditional modernistic approach, failing to contain already well-defined and well-known challenges. In the context of Prague, one of the main challenges lies in the car dependency of suburban residents (3). Therefore, the starting point of the thesis was to examine ways of reducing transport volume and car dependency in the suburbs through means of spatial planning. Since Czech spatial planning mostly concerns the local municipal level through Municipal Land-use Plans, the location of civic amenities was chosen as a perfect representative. Thus, the thesis aims to verify the influence between the accessibility of local amenities and the travel behaviour of Prague suburban residents.
Bittner, J.
published in
In: 12th ACAU 2023: Proceedings of 12th International PhD Students Conference. Brno Technical University, 2023. p. 96-110. ISBN 978-80-214-6206-9.
Treatise in proceedings
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The paper provides a theoretical framework and methodological overview for follow-up research on the relationship between the built environment and transport behaviour in the Czech context. Divided into four parts, the paper begins by describing the urgency for such research. The second part reviews fundamental transport modelling methods commonly used in the built environment – transport relation research. The methodical concept of Activity-Based Modelling (ABM) is selected for further elaboration through a comprehensive diagram. Individual parts of the diagram are grouped and described. In the third part of the paper, the ABM concept is derived into a quantitative methodology suitable for the built environment – transport quantitative research. Typical dependent and independent variables are listed. Finally, the fourth part of the paper discusses ABM method limits and requirements in the Czech context.
Bittner, J.
published in
In: From Challenges to Responses: Integrated Planning Approaches in Turbulent Times. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, 2023.
Abstract in Proceedings
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AESOP 2023 PhD workshop contribution.
Bittner, J.
published in
In: Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 15. Praha: CTU. Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2022. p. 50-77. ISSN 2336-7687. ISBN 978-80-01-07049-9.
Treatise in proceedings
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Suburbanization is one of the most frequently discussed topics in Czech and international academic discourse. Despite the diversity of researched problems, there is one common denominator: the dependence of suburban residents on cars and thus characteristic suburban transport demand. The suburban transport demand is mentioned as a direct or indirect factor of many problems. In Czech planning practice, however, transport is still perceived as an isolated technical problem without a wider context. Therefore, this paper offers a basic insight into the current academic understanding of the complexity of transport demand. The insights are situated in the context of urban planning and suburbanization. The paper is divided into three sections: introduction posing fundamental premises, followed by the main section presenting the theoretical framework of transport demand/supply and two different approaches in modelling. According to the approaches described before, fundamental types of factors influencing transport demand are described. The last part of the paper is a mini-case study seeking for the factors in planning/strategic documents influencing development of Prague suburbs. Finally, the theoretical findings are summarized and their application within the case study is evaluated.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Jakub Vorel, Ph.D.