
Ing. arch. Vít Řezáč, Ph.D.

Research projects

Responsible person
Řezáč, V.
duration of the project
Responsible person
Řezáč, V.
duration of the project
Responsible person
Řezáč, V.
duration of the project
Responsible person
Řezáč, V.
duration of the project
Responsible person
duration of the project
The research is part of the solution and the practical phase of the dissertation withe a theme Short Distance City - Economic Context and Spatial Planning. The research focuses on the process of obtaining basic knowledge about large scale city development projects a collecting of real estate data to set up process models of negotiation to harmonize public and private sectors goals in the development projects. The interviews with key representatives of the municipalities, and developers of selected projects in Germany, Austria, France and United Kingdom will be organized. The grant funds supposed to be used to cover the travel expenses and purchase of literature.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Jakub Vorel, Ph.D.