
prof. Ing. arch. Jan Jehlík

Head of the Department of Urban Design

Research projects

Responsible person
Rýpar, V.
duration of the project
The project is an integral part of a doctoral research with the working title How is the value of Czech listed urban heritage areas related to the character of urban structure and morphology of their tangible environment? The doctoral research aims to evaluate the potential and limits of current urban morphology approaches to the description of valuable characteristics of historic urban environments. The research consists of two parallel lines: 1. The practical development of morphometric analyses of historical urban environment in GIS, which follows the methods and databases of a previous research project NAKI II DG16P02R025 (Origins and attributes of heritage values of historic towns of the Czech Republic), and is also related to the project Architectural-urban analysis of the Prague Conservation Area (at the Prague Institute of Planning and Development); 2. Archival research of the procedures of historic urban environments evaluations on a sample of town conservation areas documentations worked out since 1950 until the present. The financial support will be used for a presentation of the working procedure and results of morphometric analyses at an international conference (ISUF 2021 - Glasgow) and for the archival research of undigitized or online inaccessible documentations of town conservation areas located in regional offices of the National Heritage Institute and municipal archives of town planning.
Responsible person
duration of the project
We do not live in an isolated world. Although the situations, background conditions and cultural approaches of different European countries are different, European cities face similar challenges. With ongoing urbanization, the Cities and metropolitan regions face considerable and often contradictory demands. Implementation of the current plans requires cooperation between cities in functional regions, agreements at different levels, voluntary fulfillment of common goals and mutual trust above all. The Czech capacity of land use control is very poor in the comparation with Europe. Local governments have weak possition in centralized system. They are not cooperating together and land use control is low. The output of the research will be the comparison of the attitudes of several European Cities to the development planning of their regions with the current Czech practice, the assessment of differences and the recommendation of new approaches.
Responsible person
Rýpar, V.
duration of the project
The research project focuses on the public space in the intravilan of the Czech countryside. The topic of the research is the phenomenon of rurality, the rural character as a value associated with the form of environment of rural settlements. Being aware of the fact that the inhabitants define rurality namely by the form of interpersonal relations, the topic of the research is restricted to the physical aspect of the environment, which by definition participates in shaping the rural character. The objective of the research is to find, evaluate and describe the basic attributes and relations in space which co-create rurality, and to do it in such a way so that these findings could eventually be used in practice - e. g. in the intravilan's public space design in order to strengthen the rurality of the environment. The research project will deal with the visual detail of the Czech countryside's public space, which is an area that has not been separately processed in a scientific manner so far (it lies in the borderland between several specialized disciplines). Its ambition is to provide comprehensive information and technical data about an issue that - despite its current urgency - is not easy to grasp at all.
duration of the project
In the last decades we are witnessing the consensus among the major part of the society on the research of sustainable development in all possible people´s fields of activity. In the sustainability concept, the change of the spatial structures of the city is a special challenge: the decisions taken today are fixed in the built enviroment for long decades, if not centuries. There is an increasing integration of the countries into one system defined by strong economical and cultural links - this is what we call globalisation. The globalisation affect all the localities, cities, the country and causes continuing change we are witnessing. Geographical flexibility and independence of the global companies lead often to schematic and characteristic use of the space, without the relation to the context. It is a direction contrary to the sense of what we call sustainable development. In the post- socialistic cities including czech cities the city fabric and the city image begins to change som

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Jana Moravcová