
Ing. arch. Lukáš Kurilla, Ph.D.

Research projects

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duration of the project
Project Virtual Academy is based on the close relationship between space and the creation of memory in the human mind. All kinds of memory techniques are built on this connection, one of them being for example memory palaces. These are helping to keep a large amount of information in the long term memory, which can be beneficial for example when learning a new language. The concept of Virtual Academy is about application of the memory techniques in the environment of virtual reality. With the help of VR the user can prepare the convenient space where the information meant to be memorized will be placed, which is a perfect combination of the media and the technique itself.
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duration of the project
Since 2007 the Faculty of Architecture has taken part in the activities of Intermedial Institue; the common experimental studio, which conects education of technical and artistic universities (ČVUT+AMU). There is a CAVE - virtual stereoscopic display system, which allows to percept 3D projection via polarscreen glasses. Connection of this system with Kinect creates intuitive interface. The sense of the project is virtual form of diverse spaces, described in subject Architectural Composition. It's an aplication of contemporary technical medium in education of traditional subject, where the text and 2D image is replaced by immersion 3D experience. Platform, created by this project, aspire to become the tool of future architects, which allows them real expresion from the space. Abstract terms become real experience again, which involves not just racional level of thinking, but it penetrates even emocional sphere of perception.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Dana Matějovská, Ph.D.