Research projects
Responsible person
Čtverák, M.
Responsible team
duration of the project
Responsible person
Hůrková, L.
Responsible team
duration of the project
In the 20th the 19th century had been the border area Austro-Hungarian monarchy (in the present Romania) colonized by Czech settlers. They settled in the region called Banat, where they founded several villages. Due to the location of these settlements and villages in the middle of deep forests in the southwestern end of the Carpathian massif, which caused significant separation from the surrounding civilization, the people of the Czech villages to this day preserve their culture, language, customs, traditional farming practices in the landscape and vernacular architecture technologies. The whole area, which includes 6 Czech villages (Eibentál, Bígr, Gerník, Rovensko, Svatá Helena and Šumice), was still some exceptions (several ethnographic expeditions in the 60s) outside the interest of Czech building-historians and monument-experts. How however discovered expeditions of students of the Institute of monument conservation of FA CTU, which took place in 2012 and 2013, in the villages are concerned hardly believable architectural values. First of all, there is the possibility of study of a traditional form of architecture that came out 180 years ago from Czech cultural and historical enviroment, but was isolated, respectively in later years under the influence of the Romanian environment. Directly Thus, implementation of historical research of extremely interesting buildings. So far, none of the researchers have not given urban development of the Czech villages - this deficiency, we would like to correct. Another big topic, which is primarily related with that incredible spatial and functional continuity of the area, is the cultural landscape, where we can get to interface with many other disciplines (history of settlemens, historical geography, botany, etc.). The aim of our research is a comprehensive knowledge of settlement components of the Czech villages in Banat, through the building culture, formation of settlements and historical landscape management.