
Ing. arch. MgA. Zuzana Zbořilová

Research projects

Responsible person
duration of the project
In the framework of the research "Architecture in the education of teachers of primary schools" it was found that one of the important problems in the sphere of the architectural education of children is the lack of professional training of teachers and the lack of interest of experts to participate in this. One of the ways to solve this problem is to ensure the cooperation between urbanism architects and teachers, that is one of the goals of the "Architect Education of Teachers" project. The project is a series of workshops with primary school teachers, aimed at improving the knowledge and skills of teachers in teaching children of topics related to architecture and urbanism. The complex quality approach to architect teaching can be born only through interdisciplinary cooperation.
Responsible person
Markgraf Hossingerová, M.
duration of the project
Architecture and the public space influences us and also we can influence the development of the environment. That is why it is extremely important to educate the youngest - children - in these fields. An ideal place for comprehensive familiarization with various forms of architecture and urbanism is the elementary school that offers both: humanities and technical / natural sciences. The aim of the project is to explore the needs of teachers who are interested in implementation of architecture to their classes. Based on this survey, the Club of Friends of Architecture will be developed and we will try increase the amount of teachers who are interested in thema. The club will provide a virtual and real meetings of architects with teachers, where there will be room for mutual learning and the sharing of good practice from both disciplines.
duration of the project
Project Architecture for Children aims to create the basis for the methodology for teaching in primary schools and for other leisure activities with children. We want to learn children to perceive architecture and public space as an important part of culture just as to understand the context of the development of the city in which they live and deepen their relationship with it. Through direct work with children at workshops, should the project help create a relationship to the place that kids use every day, passing by on the way to school and back home or spend their leisure time here. We want to encourage critical thinking in children and that way affect the status of our environment in the near future.

For the content of this site is responsible: prof. Ing. arch. Michal Kohout