Research projects
Responsible person
Cejpová, M.
Responsible team
duration of the project
The point of the work is to deepen the knowledge of historical kitchens, important but yet not fully appreciated technical monuments, by the light of their functional and structural aspects. The project is aimed on research, documentation and analysis of medieval and early modern kitchen structures in their spatial and constructional aspects on the sample included in the proponent´s thesis "Kitchens in middle Ages and Early modern period". For further documentation in the project will be chosen such kitchens, that are very well preserved or have well preserved some typical or on the contrary uncommon constructional aspect. For selected kitchens existing documentation will be considered. New means of documentation will be chosen according to the type and quality of preserved situation. We suppose geodetical measure (total station), digital 3D model created on the basis of laser scanning (point cloud) and digital textured 3D model created by photogrammetry using digital photography. For at least one chosen situation all methods will be applied to enable a comparison. The output should comprise description, documentation and spatial and constructional analysis of chosen kitchens that will make part of passports of the monuments in question, analysis of their historical development, and will be used in publication of the results of the work (proponents thesis, and some other membres of the team, specialized articles concerning individual objects and the whole together).
Responsible person
Krejčíř, M.
Responsible team
duration of the project
Regarding the statics and composition, geometry plays a significant role especially in the Gothic era. The fundamental period geometrical approaches to designing (ad quadratum, ad triangulum) should have provided a "proper" shape to a construction and thus the ability to be not only beautiful, but also strong and stabile enough. This research is aimed to the geometrical influence on the shape of a load-bearing structure and fosuces especially on the less researched area of Central Europe.