Final projects

Park Na Návrší - Recreational Space, Ruprechtice

Orihelová Natálie

Landscape Architecture, Bachelor Project


The Na Návrší park project deals with an area of 4 ha with the highest point of the Ruprechtické Forest Park, the rockery, at a height of 427 m above sea level, which is characteristic of the area. The space is largely made up of mature successional vegetation, which I approach with sensitivity and adapt the overall design to the groups of trees created here. The place is complemented by spaces with use for people from the nearby area, Ruprechtic. The park is divided into two areas. Sports, where I support the local initiative to create a pump track track and recreational, with an open grassy area and places to sit or have a picnic.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.