Final projects
Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project
The subject of the thesis is the solution to the area of the Prague 11 district. The theme of the thesis is the development of bicycle transport and making the current bicykal system which will connect all important places of district such as squares, exhibition spaces, playgrounds, front gardens, and recreational areas. Proposed park improvements are in keeping with the historic footprint of the area. Nowadays, automobile traffic is the most popular and one of the most space-intensive, but certainly inefficient. Current urban design theories lead to a reduction in the spacing between destinations. The better alternatives to the car are public transport, pedestrian and bicycle transport. Designing new infrastructure can increase the attractiveness of cycling and increase its popularity. The land in question belongs to the city and is managed as Urban Green Space, Parks and Green Space, and General Mixed Use, leading to different approaches to the design of urban space. Within the thesis, the emphasis is on the solution of cycling, parking, and connectors. Further emphasis is placed on the connection of individual cycling infrastructure with different functions such as Cafés, shops, or service Sentra. The aim of the thesis is to create a quality part of the city, a pleasant and attractive environment that implements new elements of cycling infrastructure