Final projects

City structure addition, Letenské square

Bc. Karel Loupal

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


Holesovice is very dynamic district with a very high community awareness and relationship to public space. This is enhanced by the close location to the park Letna Park and Stromovka. There is also a large number of associations with the aim of improving the living conditions and living space. It is a place full of enthusiastic people who are eager for change, it is a place with dozen small businesses and startups, and finally, it is a place with a high concentration of artists and young architects. My intention is to exploit the potential of the place and synergistically support it. I perceive Letna square as the throbbing heart and therefore I propose here an institution appropriate to the needs. I design here a place for community, cultural and educational activities and a place for young entrepreneurs and starupists.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.