Final projects

Completion of brewery complex in Holešovice

Bc. Lenka Demetrovičová

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The location of diploma work is vacant space in the new development area of the former Holešovice Brewery, on the corner defined by streets Komunardů and U Uranie. The aim of the thesis is to examine the possibility of completion of this area, with regard to the context of Ortenovo square. The proposed solution is the completion of two blocks connected by underground floors, one of which should serve as an office building, potentially new headquarters of the Supreme Audit Office and the other as an apartment building. Urban solution is based on the context of the site and the appropriate solutions to the entry area for a major public building.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.