Final projects

Apartment House

Bílý Matěj

Architecture and Urbanism, Bachelor Project


The multipurpose parking garage is located in Jablonec nad Nisou on 5. května street, in a sloping terrain. The task was to create enough parking spaces within reach of the existing train stop and the planned transport terminal. At the same time, the building is designed to connect 5th May Street with the upper train stop for pedestrians. This is achieved by a staircase and a tower – a lighthouse serving as an observation deck, with elevators inside. The tower complements a trio of visually similar landmarks: the town hall tower and the church tower. On the ground floor of the parking garage on 5th May Street, there is a commercial space. The project also includes two residential buildings on the roof of the parking garage. These residential buildings are the focal point of this bachelor's thesis.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.