ZAN projects

Dorota Burdová's house

Tereza Obuškevičová


In Dorota Burdová's life books do not play a crucial role only in terms of passion, but they also serve as her main source of income. She deals with book rating, graphics and the final form of book binding on a daily basis. The designed house has several parts, those are connected from the basement up to the terrace by a central hall with a staircase. On the ground floor there are two functionally opposed studios, the larger one is connected to the living area on the upper floor. In front of the window there is a big bookshelf, that is visible from outside on the facade. In the basement is a private intimate zone for sorting out thoughts and finding inspiration with a balcony above the level of Čertovka.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Petr Kordovský