The project will provide the systematic overview of the state of art of simulation modelling used for evaluation of spatial development of cities in the Czech Republic and abroad. The overview will be accompanied by several case studies that will provide in depth analysis of selected applications of simulation models for assessment of spatial development of particular cities. After the relevant simulation models will be identified and their applications described, their performance will be evaluated based on capability of simulation models to: address relevant issues of spatial development of cities, to reflect the characteristics and processes on fine scale, to handle temporal aspects of urban processes, to reflect the "soft" factors of urban change as well as to increase the competence of the simulation models' users to manage and to plan the spatial development of cities. The research project should conclude with the identification of potentials and limits and the proposal of assessment methodology based on simulation models in the institutional context of the Czech Republic.
The project will provide the
systematic overview of the state of art of simulation modelling used for evaluation of spatial development of cities in the Czech Republic and abroad. The overview will be accompanied by several case studies that will provide in depth analysis of selected applications of simulation models for assessment of spatial development of particular cities.