01 Intro: Minimalism and Land-art, Spatial Turn in American Art of 1960s and 1970s (Carl André, Donald Judd, Michel Heizer, Robert Smithson)
02 Conceptual Art, Land-art and Environmental Art in Europe (Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Joseph Kossuth, Richard Long, Hamish Fulton, lan Hamilton Finlay)
03 Between Sculpture and Installation: Sculpture and Environmental Art in Czechoslovakia of 1960s and 1970s (Hugo Demartini, Stanislav Kolíbal, Dalibor Chatrný, Karel Malich, Eva Kmentová)
04 Human Body in Space, Performance Art (Richard Serra, Ana Mendieta, Petr Štembera, Jan Mlčoch)
05 Art Outside Institutions in 1980s Czechoslovakia: Unofficial Art Events, Chmelnice a Malostranské dvorky
06 On Freedom in Space: The Installations of Ivan Kafka
07 Magdalena Jetelová: Urban Landscape and Planetary Sculpture
08 Memory and Space: New Concept of Memorial (Maya Lin, Rachel Whiteread, Peter Walker, Kathryn Gustaffson, Dominik Lang.)
09 Painting in Architecture (Mark Rothko, Sol LeWitt, Petr Kvíčala, Patrik Hábl)
10 Social Sculpture (Joseph Beuys, Kateřina Šedá, Krištof Kintera)
11 Light and New Media (Olafur Eliasson, Doug Aitken, Bill Viola)
12 Architecture and Graphic Design (National Technical Library in Prague: Case Study)
Plus one guest lecture: to be specified