Gebrian, M. - Florián, M., - Eloy, S.
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In: VIRTUAL AESTHETICS IN ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING IN MIXED REALITIES. London: Routledge, 2021. p. 133-141. vol. 256 stran. ISBN 9781032023731.
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This is an experimental project developed during Markéta's Gebrian stay in Lisbon at the Information Sciences and Technologies and Architecture Research Center ISTAR.
Lisbon and the area near Baixa Chido plus the elevator Santa da Justa Markéta interpreted into the 3D model in the metaverse Neos VR.
Petrš, J. - Florián, M., - Dahy, H.
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In: THE eCAADe + SIGraDi 2019 CONFERENCE, Architecture in the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution.. ECAADe, 2019. p. 179-188. ISBN 9789491207174.
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This paper proposes a self-assembling system for architectural application. It is a reaction to current building crisis and high energy consumption by building industry. This Unique system is based on a reconfiguration of passive elements by low-cost soft robots able to move inside as well as configure them into 2D/3D structures similar to recent Modular robots. A goal is to significantly reduce the high price and complexity of state of the art modular robots by minimization of mechatronic parts and using soft materials. The concept focuses on life-cycle management when one system can achieve assembly, reconfiguration, and disassembly with a minimum of waste. The paper compares three different versions of a self-assembly system called MoleMOD: MoleCUBE, MoleCHAIN, and MoleSTRING.
Florián, M. - Kotnourová, K.
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Pražská technika. 2018, 2018(5), 18. ISSN 1213-5348.
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Kotnourová, K. - Florián, M.
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In: Sustainable Computational Workflows. ECAADe, 2018. p. 5-14. ISBN 9789491207143.
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The symbiosis of architecture and sound in connection with the human mind and body. This project explores possible connections and interactions between sound, imagination and visualisation of space through experimental work with Brain-Computer Interfaces, BCI technology, EEG headsets, and visual programming in audio-visual studio MAX MSP. The architecture reflects the sensory experience of space and sound while transforming its own structures. Space is changing under the influence of sound waves and vice versa.
Florián, M.
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Architektúra a urbanizmus. 2018, 52(3-4), 220-227. ISSN 0044-8680.
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Ateliér FLO│W na Fakultě architektury ČVUT v Praze je toho názoru, že digitálně navrhovaná architektura by měla být flexibilní, interaktivní a adaptabilní. Digitální revoluce spolu s vývojem pokročilých materiálů, principiálně změnily způsoby plánování, vedení a kontroly stavby. Prostřednictvím kreativního zapojení algoritmu architekta, designéra anebo studenta může vzniknout nekonečné množství podobných struktur a budov, které jsou geometrickým výsledkem předem určených dimenzionálních, referenčních a funkčních závislostí. Úlohou je spojit lidi a procesy do jednotného funkčního organizmu, který bude taky zaangažován do živé komunikace se svým prostředím. Digitálně řízená architektura usiluje o paradigmatický zvrat, od statických k interaktivním a adaptabilním strukturám a systémům úspory využívání materiálů aby zamezili exploataci přírodních zdrojů.
Petrš, J. - Dahy, H., - Florián, M.
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In: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Design Computing 2018 – Navrhování pomocí počítače, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Conference, 11 October 2018. Exhibition 10-17 October 2018., 15116 – Department of architectural modelling. Prague: Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University Prague, 2018. p. 50-57. 1. vol. 1. ISBN 978-80-01-06495-5.
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This paper presents an usage of soft mechanism for architectural purpose. Since last two decades computational architecture field is hardly influenced by robotics and a adaptivity, new materials and technologies are appearing almost every day. And architecture is mostly like multidisciplinary field which connect everything new and trying to package it to aesthetical form for application in context of current culture and society. Old format when was architecture mostly about constructions and their contextual aesthetics are at universities and research institutes often extended by material and technological issues. Soft robotics is a subfield of robotics dealing with soft or smart responsible materials. Due to its perfect adaptivity safety and flexibility it can be an alternative to rigid mechanisms and bring the robotics closer to natural performances. Uncountable examples of plant and animal systems use the soft mechanisms for their adaptation and movement in a real environment. Soft robotics is concerned as a main driving scope in the robotics future. High potential for its use is in the fields of medicine and manufacturing. But it started to influence also to the architecture during the last years. Mostly as an alternative to classical rigid actuators in interactive or kinetics structures as well as cooperative small scale robots. Goal of this paper is to compare previous and current research on a field of soft robotics in architectural context.
Florián, M. - Petrš, J.
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TecniCall. 2017, ISSN 1805-1030.
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Současnost postavená na konvergenci stojí na počátku nové éry interpretace architektury: autonomního sestavování a plánování. Během několika posledních let přinutilo spojení digitální fabrikace a robotických technik architekty a konstruktéry navrhovat velmi kustomizované struktury nestandartních staveb. Tyto procesy byly z velké části limitované měřítkem, zaměřením a především zeshora objednanou fabrikací. Autonomní plánování postavené na principu zespoda fungující technice je příslibem velké měřítkové diferenciace, adaptability a potenciálu rozvoje rozmanitých procesů plánování. Architekti a designéři jsou díky pokroku v poznání fungování živých organismů, pokročilých systémů, struktur a materiálů schopni za pomoci fyzikálních simulací plánovat na míru zespoda nahoru nejen individuálně kustomizované struktury, ale i robotické stavební systémy na principu decentralizovaného sebesestavování.
Petrš, J. - Havelka, J. - Florián, M., - Novák, J.
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In: ShoCK! Sharing of Computable Knowledge! Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, 20th-22nd September 2017, Rome, Italy. Volume 1.. Řím: Sapienza University of Rome, 2017. p. 159-166. vol. 1. ISBN 9789491207129.
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The paper explores the use of in-house developed self-reconfigurable modular robotic system in civil construction activities and investigates a concept where an arbitrary Civil Engineering structure or a daily use industrial product are self-assembled from a number of self-reconfigurable composite blocks. The system extends current range of modular robot systems (mDrs) where autonomous modules self-assemble into a wide variety of forms. However, contrary to conventional mDrs, MoleMOD has not mechatronic actuating parts permanently fixed to each individual module. The MoleMOD actuators are separable and operate inside the modules, tight them together or relocate them to required configuration. It significantly reduces number of expensive mechatronics parts and the environment the actuators operate. Although MoleMOD focuses on architecture, it can take over other mDrs tasks as research and rescue. This paper describes properties, advantages, foreseen applications, and basic design specifications of the second generation prototype.
Florián, M. - Petrš, J.
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TecniCall. 2016, ISSN 1805-1030.
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Kurilla, L. - Achten, H., - Florián, M.
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In: Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Education and research in Computer aided Architectural Design in Europe, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, Volume 2. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Northumbria University, 2014. p. 23-28. ISBN 9789491207068.
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This paper deals with possibilities for evaluation and visualization of structural
solutions created in the conceptual design phase. The goal is to support
transparency of structural analysis results, and to support architects'
decision-making by providing them with opportunity to compare different
structural solutions. Research will be implemented into the developed software
tool, with the aim to support architects in the shaping process and to teach them
to better understand form and forces.