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Marji, N. ed. - Kohout, M. ed. - Chen, L. ed. - Ravi Kumar, A. ed., - Emir Isik, G. ed.
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Prague, 2023-06-01. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2024. vol. 46. ISBN 978-80-01-07276-9.
Marji, N. - Kohout, M. - Chen, L. - Ravi Kumar, A., - Emir Isik, G.
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In: Regional Development Between Theory and Practice - Regional Development as Part of Europe's Sustainable Transformation. Prague: ACTA Polytechnica CTU, 2024. vol. 46. ISBN 978-80-01-07276-9.
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Smart cities continue to be discussed throughout Europe as a result of the continent's rising urbanization and the need for sustainable development. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly promote this shift by assisting cities in becoming more effective, sustainable, and receptive to the requirements of their residents. This study examines the potential and difficulties of AI in urban development and presents a framework for incorporating AI into city planning and management. This study evaluates the advantages of AI in fostering public involvement, reducing costs, and enhancing city services, as well as the potential challenges related to data privacy, ethics, and socioeconomic imbalance. It does this by using examples from European cities. This study presents a set of ethical and inclusive AI criteria, such as transparency, inclusion, and accountability, to enable responsible AI research and implementation. It continues by emphasizing the need for efficient AI integration in smart cities and pushing for a holistic AI-enabled transition to inclusive and sustainable smart cities.
Marji, N. - Kohout, M. - Chen, L. - Ravi Kumar, A., - Emir Isik, G.
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In: Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2024. p. 85-93. ISSN 2336-5382. ISBN 978-80-01-07276-9.
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Smart cities continue to be discussed throughout Europe as a result of the continent’s rising urbanization and the need for sustainable development. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly promote this shift by assisting cities in becoming more effective, sustainable, and receptive to the requirements of their residents. The goal of this study is to examine the potential and difficulties of AI in urban development and present a framework for incorporating AI into city planning and management in European cities. This is done by analyzing case study examples from European cities and examining primary and secondary data sources, with the aim of providing a comprehensive framework for the sustainable integration of AI systems. This study presents a set of ethical and inclusive AI criteria, such as transparency, inclusion, and accountability, to enable responsible AI research and implementation. It continues by emphasizing the need for efficient AI integration in smart cities and pushing for a holistic AI-enabled transition to inclusive and sustainable smart cities.
Marji, N. - Kohout, M. - Chen, L. - Ravi Kumar, A., - Emir Isik, G.
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In: New York: Livable Cities: A Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities / AMPS Proceedings Series 34.2. AMPS, 2024. p. 200-208. 34. ISSN 2398-9467.
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The world is currently facing the largest refugee crisis in history, with an estimated 79.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide. Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the crisis, hosting over 2.8 million registered refugees, the majority of whom live in camps. These camps have traditionally been viewed as temporary solutions to a crisis, providing basic needs such as shelter, food, and water, but lacking in terms of livability. This paper argues that refugee camps in Jordan have the potential to transition into dynamic, adaptable urban ecosystems from temporary shelters while reconsidering the role of refugees in exercising ownership of their spaces.
Marji, N. ed. - Kohout, M. ed. - Chen, L. ed. - Ravi Kumar, A. ed., - Emir Isik, G. ed.
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New York, 2023-06-14/2023-06-16. AMPS, 2024. 34. ISSN 2398-9467.
Marji, N. - Kohout, M. - Chen, L. - Ravi Kumar, A., - Emir Isik, G.
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In: New York: Livable Cities: A Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities / AMPS Proceedings Series 34.2. AMPS, 2024. 34. ISSN 2398-9467.
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The world is currently facing the largest refugee crisis in history, with an estimated 79.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide. Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the crisis, hosting over 2.8 million registered refugees, the majority of whom live in camps.1 These camps have traditionally been viewed as temporary solutions to a crisis, providing basic needs such as shelter, food, and water, but lacking in terms of livability. This paper argues that refugee camps in Jordan have the potential to transition into dynamic, adaptable urban ecosystems from temporary shelters while reconsidering the role of refugees in exercising ownership of their spaces.
Marji, N. - Chen, L. - Ravi Kumar, A. - Emir Isik, G., - Kohout, M.
Publikováno v
In: Refugees and Migrants - Current Conditions and Future Trends. Vienna: InTech - Open Access Publisher, 2024. p. 1-20. ISBN 978-0-85466-440-5.
Kapitola v knize
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This chapter critically examines the dynamic nature of refugee camps within Jordan’s unique socio-political context. Focusing on architectural, social, and environmental dimensions, the chapter unveils transitional typologies that challenge conventional ideas of permanence. Architecturally, it explores adaptive design solutions, emphasizing flexibility and sustainability. Socially, it delves into community-led initiatives and participatory planning, highlighting the agency and resilience of displaced populations. Environmentally, the chapter investigates the ecological impact of refugee settlements and advocates for sustainable practices. Through case studies and interdisciplinary analysis, this chapter offers insights into the transitional processes of refugee camps from temporary shelters to long-term dwellings, aiming to inform policymakers, practitioners, and researchers on enhancing the dignity, agency, and sustainability of displaced communities in Jordan and globally.
Marji, N. ed. - Kohout, M. ed. - Chen, L. ed. - Ravi Kumar, A. ed., - Emir Isik, G. ed.
Publikováno v
Prague, 2023-06-01. Prague: ACTA Polytechnica CTU, 2023.
Kohout, M. - Tichý, D. - Tittl, F., - Jahodová, Š.
Publikováno v
2 ed. Praha: CTU. Faculty of Architecture, 2023. ISBN 978-80-01-07246-2.
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Publikace „Hromadné bydlení – Systematika prostorových typů“ představuje druhé rozšířené vydání knihy, která prezentuje výsledky výzkumu obytných budov vedeného na Fakultě architektury Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze. Tento výzkum se soustředil na formulování systému prostorových typů, tvořeného na základě analyzovaných vlastností projektů budov hromadného bydlení. Výzkum stejně jako tato kniha je organizovaný ve dvou paralelních částech odpovídajících měřítku domu a měřítku bytu, to umožňuje popsat přirozenou skladebnost obytného prostředí a její konkrétní podoby. Zároveň se soustředí na hierarchii míry soukromí jakožto jeden z určujících parametrů kvality vystavěného prostředí, speciálně v případě hromadného bydlení, kde je vztah veřejného, sdíleného a soukromého zcela klíčový. Systematika je demonstrována na 55 příkladech staveb hromadného bydlení postavených za poslední století a je podrobně popsána v teoretické části knihy. Publikace tedy nemá pouze význam edukativní ve formě šíření výstupu konkrétního výzkumu, zároveň totiž znovu otevírá témata typologie a její role v současné architektuře a hromadných forem bydlení a výstavby širší diskusi.
Kohout, M. - Tichý, D. - Tittl, F. - Peňázová, V. - Hudeček, T. - Franěk, P., - Havránek, J.
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[Other Methodology (not meeting RIV conditions)] 2023.
Jiná metodika (nesplňující podmínky RIV)
Související lidé
Koncepce – neboli návrh – politiky bydlení Plzně 2023+ je politickou
deklarací samosprávy formulující dlouhodobé cíle a popisující
směry rozvoje města v oblasti bydlení společně s nástroji k jejich
dosažení. Jedná se o projev vůle města se bydlením vážně, aktivně,
systematicky a dlouhodobě zabývat.
Výsledná Koncepce politiky bydlení Plzně 2023+ se skládá ze dvou
částí – Návrhové a Analytické.