
Ing. arch. Brittany Trilford, B.A.

Výzkumné projekty

Hlavní řešitel
Trilford, B.
Trvání projektu
Abstract: Using the principles and methodology of biomimicry, this research aims to show an ecosystem service-based approach to designing a blue green infrastructure network for stormwater management and flood protection in densifying areas that more closely emulates natural hydrology processes. It will highlight the district-wide blue green infrastructure potential of the stream basin of the Hradní Potok through nature-based interventions in a recently proposed public park in Veleslavín. Nature-based small water management structures and biomimetic landscape interventions will be explored for introduction to the new park as maintenance, enhancement and resilience from the outset.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: Ing. Zuzana Štemberová