LS 2025
A new creativity and imagination for climate change landscape architecture design.
The space of the city landscape is changing in its physical, cultural, and social aspects.
Climate change is now integral to our daily experience in cities: heat islands, droughts, floods, and sudden temperature changes are just some of the perceptible physical aspects.
In this scenario of perceptual change in the city landscape, another technological revolution is increasingly permeating the culture and sociality of individuals and communities: artificial intelligence is permeating our ability to analyze and change the parameters of our material and immaterial perceptions of the spaces we use.
Prefiguring a scenario of Prague to 2050, when there will only be sustainable energy production and the disappearance of combustion cars, students will have to confront new creativity and imagination for a different landscape architecture design.
Gardens, parks, or art installations are some of the elements that students, as they choose, must imagine and place in locations in a Prague they imagine projected to 2050.
Students will use traditional tools such as sketches and freehand notes integrated with digital technologies to develop their ideas and create a new creative and imaginative language.
The students are expected to perform with:
1. Choosing a theme to develop connected to a project location in Prague.
2. Development of the project idea through sketches, physical models, and AI.
3. Development of a conceptual map of the project idea for 2050.
4. Development of drawings, physical models, and digital models.
For all interested to join atelier Morabito (applied through the official way):
Please send us your motivation letter where you describe why you want to take a part in our studio. Add a link to your portfolio / school web. English only. Thank you.
valerio.morabito@unirc.it / becvazuz@fa.cvut.cz