Molnárová, J.
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In: DOCONF 2021: Facing post-socialist herritage. Budapest: BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS, 2021. p. 308-319. ISBN 978-963-421-864-7.
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This article focuses on bottom-up spatial transformations of housing estates in post-socialist and developing countries. Based on the findings collected in over thirty housing estates, it is evident that ordinary citizens in economically and institutionally weaker countries recognize the same shortcomings of housing estates and adress them through interventions with spatial characteristics similar to those known from western countries. The article describes a typology of fourteen of these interventions and explains the benefits they bring to the city. The aim of the article is to propose greater involvement of residents to the physical transformation of housing estates arguing that such nvolvement may result in more efficient processes with the benefit of creating tighter social bonds and a sense of community. It however also mentions the limits bottom-up transformation processes may have and planners and architects should be aware of.
Chudý, O.
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In: 11th ACAU 2022: Proceedings of 11th International PhD Students Conference. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2022. p. 76-85. 1. vol. 1. ISBN 978-80-214-6119-2.
Housing estate areas usually have around 70% share of public space. Considerable amount of money is spent on maintenance of these non-building areas. When maintenance efforts decrease, technical and visual aspects of the living environment also decrease. This paper presents a survey conducted in Modřany housing estate in Prague evaluating current non-building areas and proposing three model example transformations. Costs used in the survey were taken from the Catalog of Interventions in Housing Estates. Benefits presented in the survey are taken from a questionnaire determining residents' preferences. The goal is to find correct valuation of the money spent on development and management of public areas of housing estates and show it can bring great benefits for residents.
Chudý, O.
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In: 14th Architecture in Perspective 2022 / 14. Architektura v perspektivě 2022. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta stavební, 2022. p. 115-122. ISBN 978-80-
Modernistická sídliště jsou v Evropě vnímána jako obytné celky, které vykazují vyšší míru sociální segregace, anonymity a nižší kvality obytného prostředí. Mnohá sídliště v západní Evropě už prošla určitou mírou přestavby. V České republice zatím probíhají revitalizace bez analýzy nákladů a přínosů komplexní transformace. Údržba veřejného prostoru sídlištní struktury představuje oproti jiným typům městské zástavby větší ekonomickou zátěž veřejných rozpočtů, respektive při stejné výši nákladů na údržbu představuje adekvátní snížení péče o takový prostor. Kvalita a využitelnost veřejného prostoru přitom dlouhodobě ovlivňuje sociální a ekonomickou udržitelnost a stabilitu prostředí.
V příspěvku budou představeny výsledky doktorandského výzkumu, který se týká ekonomických hodnotících metod, tedy kvalitativní a ekonomické roviny. Bude představen katalog zásahů na sídlištích s náklady a výsledky dotazníkového šetření ukazující preference obyvatel jednotlivých zásahů na sídlišti v Praze Modřany.
Chudý, O.
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In: DOCONF 2023: Facing post-socialist urban heritage. Budapest: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2023. p. 130-141. ISBN 978-963-421-932-3.
This paper presents results of the research focused on architectural and economic valuation of the housing estate´s modernistic urban structure transformation in Prague - Modřany. Modernistic housing estates in Europe are considered as urban entities that present higher social segregation, anonymity and lower quality of living space. Many housing estates in Western Europe have already been renovated and transformed. In the Czech Republic, revitalizations are often conserving current state without analysing the benefits of this complex transformation. One third of Czech population lives in modernistic housing estates. The quality of environment and public spaces are perceived to be worse comparing to other urban structures.
Public spaces account for 70 % of the housing estate´s total area, being one of the main factors that effects the use and non-use value of this space. Main problems are lack of parking spaces, recreational activities, safety, social segregation and the image of the location.
This paper introduce a method that helps to detect willingness of people living in these areas to participate financially in the transformations and lists the benefits, value, and quality of changes and shows the possibilities of a financial model that integrates the local people, housing associations, groups of investors and the public sector.