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Vliv sociálních médií na chování lidí ve veřejném prostoru. Jak navrhovat veřejná prostranství pro digitálně anestetizovanou generaci?

Chmelová, A.
Publikováno v
In: Scales of Change. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, 2022. ISBN 978-961-6379-65-6.
The research focuses on the peri-urban area of the City of Prague. There was built 14 450 new flats in the 2020, 15% of those flats were built in the outer ring of the city (Němec 2020). Predictions warn against dispersed urbanization - Forman calls this „urban tsunami“ (Forman 2008). According to the expected final approval dates, it can be assumed that up to 6 000 flats per year will be completed by 2022.
Chmelová, A.
Publikováno v
In: Space for Spacies: Redefining Spatial Justice - AESOP Annual Congress. Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022.
The chosen area of the research is the peri-urban area of the City of Prague. As a biggest city of the Czech Republic offers the best opportunity where is possible to distinctly observe the urbanization trends. The research focuses on the changes this area came through and recent problems that those changes caused. The aim of the research is a critical evaluation of the peri-urban area of the City of Prague in terms of its habitability.
Chmelová, A.
Publikováno v
In: STOP AND THINK ECLAS Conference 2021. Uppsala: SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, 2021. ISBN 978-91-85735-99-0.
The importance of the topic is that during the development of Prague has developed also a new type of landscape - periurban one. Those are areas on the edges of the city with lot of residential buildings. They are popular because the plots are cheaper and your dreams of own house become true. But they are surrounded often by agricultural empty areas, logistic stores and traffic areas. Do we want to make the edges of the city just as a bedrooms for the city without any connection to the surroundings? Or do we want a place you can be related with? That is an important question for our future. What are the possibilities for such a landscape? The contributor is dealing with this topic in the course of PhD. study at the Department of Landscape Architecture and the contribution serves as a presentation of achieved results.
Chmelová, A.
Publikováno v
In: Scales of Change - Conference Proceedings. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, 2023. p. 337-348. ISBN 978-961-6379-81-6.
The paper deals with the influence of urbanization processes on the arrangement of settlements in peri-urban areas, specifically around Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. The core of this research is a mapping of the changes that the peri-urban area has undergone, a description of the problems that have arisen due to these changes, and a critical evaluation of the consequences of those changes. Specifically, this involves an intensification of use of the peri-urban area for various functions (e.g. transport, agriculture, etc.), by which other functions (e.g. recreational, ecological) are limited. The research focuses on several selected localities. The article identifies and describes the main changes based on preliminary studies (in landscape cover, patterns of public space), which serve as a basis for further research. The further ambition of the research is to document and critically evaluate these changes to serve as a planning basis to provide recommendations for regional policy instruments. The side ambition is to contribute to the discussion what is meant by habitability (the quality of space characterizing it as habitable).

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.