Vavrušková, M. - Pospíšil, M.
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In: Education and new developments 2017. Lisbon: InScience Press, 2017. p. 533-537. ISSN 2184-044X. ISBN 978-989-99864-3-5.
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A long-term research analysing role of Structural Engineering (SE) in architectural curricula is currently taking place at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague. We are comparing its study programmes to ones of selected leading English (12) and German (15) speaking European universities together with looking into innovative methods of teaching.
Previous findings
SE appears to be an important part of architectural curricula, its share ranges as follows:
10-15% (English)
15-25% (German) and 35% for top rated universities.
Majority of master architectural courses have up to 5% of SE in their curricula.
For combined courses of Architectural Engineering, the share of SE can be further boosted up to 45%.
Student-centered instructional and constructivist approach seems to be more benefitial for architectural students compared to traditional teacher-centered instructional and behaviourist approach.
The main objective of this paper is to examine approach of particular universities from our sample as far as Structural Mechanics vs. Structural Design mix within their architectural curricula is concerned.
Applied research: comparison, observation and analysis.
Structural Mechanics (SM) courses represent theoretical introduction into basic laws and principles of mechanics, on which further builds up Structural Design (SD). The ratio of SM vs. SD subjects in the curricula ranges considerably within selected universities (see detailed analysis).
Our research has not found "universal" approach towards the problematics. Some universities from our selection put an emphasis on students' understanding of mechanics' principles, some prefer "learning by doing" approach (see the full text for more detail).
All students practice gained skills within their individual projects in later stages of their studies.
da Sousa Cruz, P. ed. - Pospíšil, M. ed., - Vavrušková, M. ed.
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London: CRC Press, 2016. ISBN 9781138026513.
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The set addresses all major aspects of structures and architecture, including building envelopes, comprehension of complex forms, computer and experimental methods, concrete and masonry structures, educating architects and structural engineers, emerging technologies, glass structures, innovative architectural and structural design, lightweight and membrane structures, special structures, steel and composite structures, the borderline between architecture and structural engineering, the history of the relationship between architects and structural engineers, the tectonics of architectural solutions, the use of new materials, timber structures and more.
The contributions on creative and scientific aspects of the conception and construction of structures, on advanced technologies and on complex architectural and structural applications represent a fine blend of scientific, technical and practical novelties in both fields.
This set is intended for both researchers and practitioners, including architects, structural and construction engineers, builders and building consultants, constructors, material suppliers and product manufacturers, and other experts and professionals involved in the design and realization of architectural, structural and infrastructural projects.
Vavrušková, M. - Pospíšil, M.
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In: Structures and Architecture - Beyond their Limits. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, 2016. p. 879-885. ISBN 978-1-138-02651-3.
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The study summarizes current situation in educating Structural Engineering at the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). The main objective of the study is to assess a newly introduced pilot course of Visual Statics at CTU. Methods: Applied research (comparison, observation, analysis). Results: The course was offered in 2014/2015 as a voluntary supplement to a current block of Structural Engineering. Students praised its innova-tive “laboratory experiment“ setting and the illustrative interactive design. Feedback (stu-dents’comments, dealing with practical situations) was used for fine-tuning and the seminar is going to be offered on regular bases. Conclusions: Student-centered instructional and construc-tivist approach seems to be more appropriate for architectural students then traditional teacher-centered instructional approach. By interactive manipulations with the model under the guid-ance of teachers, students can improve their critical thinking and understanding of the structure.
Vavrušková, M. - Pospíšil, M.
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In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium of Engineering Education. Sheffield: University of Sheffield, 2016. pp. 335-342. ISBN 978-0-9930611-1-0.
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Introduction: The study is a part of a long-term research monitoring current situation in educating Structural Engineering to architectural students. Being conducted at CTU in Prague, it compares its study programmes to ones of the selected leading British and German universities.
Objectives: The main objective of the study is to analyse and compare aims, content and targeted skills of Structural Engineering subjects in bachelor courses of architecture. Our previous analysis (comparing the share of Structural Engineering subjects in curricula) showed the value of 8.33% for CTU in Prague, which seems to be underrepresented in the context of 27 selected leading English and German universities, where the share ranges between 10-15 % (English) resp. 15-25 % (German).
Methods: Applied research: comparison, observation and analysis.
Conclusions: We can classify aims, content and targeted skills of Structural Engineering courses at selected European faculties of architecture as of a similar character. Their long–term development and adjustment to the requirements of today’s marketplace made them almost identical. We can conclude that students at English and German speaking universities compared to students at CTU seem to have an advantage of more thorough and detailed training in order to adapt the skills needed for creating an effective design of the structure. Furthermore it seems that English and German students benefit from incorporating innovative methods of teaching into the learning process (e.g. hands-on experiments), guided cooperation seminars with civil engineering students and compulsory work placement as a part of their bachelor courses.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M., - Veřtátová, E.
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In: Applied Methods of the Analysis of Static and Dynamic Loads of Structures and Machines. Zürich: Trans Tech Publications Offices LTD, 2015. p. 417-420. Applied Mechanics and Materials. IS
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Education of exact and technical subjects at traditional schools of architecture faces a difficult task to bring these disciplines to students of significantly lower technical perception, now. For this reason, at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, a series of seminars containing the design of physical and virtual models completed by measuring and static calculations to supplement existing education of statics and applied structural mechanics is currently prepared.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M.
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TOJET. 2015, 2015(9), 552-555. ISSN 1303-6521.
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Share of Structural Engineering subjects in bachelor curricula of architectural studies at selected European
universities typically ranges between 10-15% at most English speaking universities and between 15-25 % at most
German speaking universities. Share of Structural Engineering subjects in master curricula of architectural studies
is typically up to 5%, however some universities offer further specialization in Structural Engineering, which boost
its share in curricula to 10-45%.
The major objective of the study is to discuss different options in educating architects in the field of Structural
Engineering and to monitor innovative methods used for its teaching.
Two main streams in educating Structural Engineering to architects are represented by traditional teacher-centered
instructional and behaviourist approach and more recent student-centered instructional and constructivist
Students of architecture are accustomed to learn in visual, creative way, therefore student-centered instruction and
constructivism approach seems to be more beneficial for them. Typical example of this method is participating in
guided interactive manipulation with models, which improves critical thinking, understanding of the structure and
it supports the development of an intuitive design of a structure.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M.
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TOJET. 2015, 2015(9), 552-555. ISSN 1303-6521.
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Share of Structural Engineering subjects in bachelor curricula of architectural studies at selected European universities typically ranges between 10-15% at most English speaking universities and between 15-25 % at most German speaking universities.
Share of Structural Engineering subjects in master curricula of architectural studies is typically up to 5%, however some universities offer further specialization in Structural Engineering, which boost its share in curricula to 10-45%.
The major objective of the study is to discuss different options in educating architects in the field of Structural Engineering and to monitor innovative methods used for its teaching.
Two main streams in educating Structural Engineering to architects are represented by traditional teacher-centered instructional and behaviourist approach and more recent student-centered instructional and constructivist approach.
Students of architecture are accustomed to learn in visual, creative way, therefore student-centered instruction and constructivism approach seems to be more beneficial for them. Typical example of this method is participating in guided interactive manipulation with models, which improves critical thinking, understanding of the structure and it supports the development of an intuitive design of a structure.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M., - Veřtátová, E.
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In: Applied Methods of the Analysis of Static and Dynamic Loads of Structures and Machines. Pfaffikon: Trans Tech Publications Inc., 2015. p. 417-420. Applied Mechanics and Materials. vol. 7
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Education of exact and technical subjects at traditional schools of architecture faces a difficult task to bring these disciplines to students of significantly lower technical perception, now. For this reason, at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, a series of seminars containing the design of physical and virtual models completed by measuring and static calculations to supplement existing education of statics and applied structural mechanics is currently prepared.
Polach, P. ed. - Pospíšil, M. ed. - Vavrušková, M. ed., - Veřtátová, E. ed.
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Pfaffikon: Trans Tech Publications Inc., 2015. Applied Mechanics and Materials. vol. 732. ISBN 978-3-03835-413-0.
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Experimental stress analysis is an important aspect of machinery construction. On the 2nd to the 5th of June 2014, the 52nd International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2014) was held in Marianske Lazne in the Czech Republic as an opportunity for academics, research scientists and industrial companies to discuss the current research on applied methods of analysis of static and dynamic loads, and discuss the future or the field. The proceedings from that conference are contained in this book. Topics covered include residual stress, experimental methods of analysis in mechanics of materials and biomedical engineering, designing in structural mechanics and teaching these subjects.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M.
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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2015, 2015(176), 167-174. ISSN 1877-0428.
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Introduction, Objectives
The main objective of the study is to analyse the importance of Structural Engineering in university courses of Architecture.
The study compares Czech Technical University with 27 leading European German (15) and English (12) speaking universities on this criteria (percentual share of Structural Engineering in curricula, volume of ECTS credits devoted to Structural Engineering).
In bachelor studies, Structural Engineering represents around 35% of curricula at leading British universities and at architectural engineering combined courses. Most English-speaking European universities have 10-15% of Structural Engineering in their curricula. German speaking European universities (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) show overall higher volume of Structural Engineering in their courses, which varies between 15-25%.
For majority master architectural courses, Structural Engineering subjects represent up to 5% of curricula. Some universities offer further specialization in Structural Engineering, which boosts share of Structural Engineering subjects in their curricula to 10-45%.
With 8.33% share in bachelor studies, Structural Engineering subjects at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, seem to be underrepresented in context of the above-mentioned European universities, where such share most typically ranges between 10-25%. We plan to further broaden our sample to non-English or non-German speaking European universities (e.g. Spanish, French, north European universities) as well as to study more detailed content of the courses and their possible interconnections with other technical subjects.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M.
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Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences. 2015, 3(2), 105-111. ISSN 1339-1488.
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Abstract- Objectives- The main objective of the study is to analyze the importance of Structural Engineering at selected Czech and
Slovak technical universities (by comparing the share of Structural Engineering subjects in curricula) and to monitor innovative
teaching methods (including an assessment of a newly introduced pilot course of Visual Statics at the CTU in Prague).
Results- Share of Structural Engineering in bachelor studies ranges between 5-8% at faculties of architecture and is around 15% at
civil engineering faculties (except BUT with 6.25%). Structural Engineering in master courses ranges between 0-5% of curricula.
Conclusions- Share of Structural Engineering subjects in bachelor curricula at selected Czech and Slovak technical universities (5-8%)
seems to be underrepresented in comparison to selected European universities, where the share typically ranges between 10-15% at
most English speaking universities and between 15-25 % at most German speaking universities. Share of Structural Engineering in
master curricula at Czech and Slovak universities (up to 5%) is comparable to this of European universities. Some foreign universities
however offer further specialization in Structural Engineering, which boosts its share in curricula to 10-45%.
For students of architecture, who are accustomed to learn in visual, creative way, traditional teacher-centered instructional and
behavioural approach in educating process seems to be less beneficial then student-centered instructional and constructivist approach
which supports the development of an intuitive design of a structure.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M.
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Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 2014(923), 205-208. ISSN 1022-6680.
Související lidé
The main objective of the study is to analyse the importance of Structural Engineering in university courses of Architecture. Structural Engineering is an essential subject in Architecture courses in European universities, but its share on curricula varies according to the type of course as well as type of university. With 8.33% share in bachelor studies, Structural Engineering subjects at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, seem to be underrepresented in context of the above-mentioned European universities, where such share most typically ranges between 10-25%.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M.
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In: Proceedings of QUAESTI - VIRTUAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE. Žilina: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2014, pp. 326-329. ISSN 1339-5572. ISBN 978-80-554-0959-
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The main objective of the study is to analyse the importance of Structural Engineering at selected Czech and Slovak technical universities (by comparing the share of Structural Engineering subjects in curricula) and monitor an innovative teaching methods.
Share of Structural Engineering in bachelor studies ranges between 5-8% at faculties of architecture and is around 15% at civil engineering faculties (except BUT with 6.25%). Structural Engineering in master courses ranges between 0-5% of curricula. Conclusions
Share of Structural Engineering subjects in bachelor curricula at selected Czech and Slovak technical universities seems to be underrepresented in comparison to selected European universities, where the share typically ranges between 10-15% at most English speaking universities and between 15-25 % at most German speaking universities. Share of Structural Engineering in master curricula at Czech and Slovak universities (up to 5%) is comparable to this of European universities. Some foreign universities however offer further specialization in Structural Engineering, which boost its share in curricula to 10-45%. We are planning to further analyse content of the Structural Engineering at architectural courses as well as concentrate on monitoring the innovative seminars at CTU in Prague, aim of which is to support the development of an intuitive design of a structure.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M.
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In: Proceedings Book. Sakarya, Sakarya: Sakarya University, 2014, ISSN 2146-7366. Available from:
Související lidé
The main objective of the study is to analyse the importance of Structural Engineering in university courses of Architecture. Structural Engineering is an essential subject in Architecture courses in European universities, but its share on curricula varies according to the type of course as well as type of university. With 8.33% share in bachelor studies, Structural Engineering subjects at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, seem to be underrepresented in context of the above-mentioned European universities, where such share most typically ranges between 10-25%.
Pospíšil, M. - Vavrušková, M., - Veřtátová, E.
Publikováno v
In: Experimental Stress Analysis 2014. Výzkumný a zkušební ústav Plzeň s.r.o., 2014. p. 113-114. Applied Mechanics and Materials. vol. 732. ISBN 978-80-261-0376-9.
Související lidé
Education of exact and technical subjects at traditional schools of architecture faces a difficult task to bring these disciplines to students of significantly lower technical perception, now. For this reason, at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, a series of seminars containing the design of physical and virtual models completed by measuring and static calculations to supplement existing education of statics and applied structural mechanics is currently prepared.