Vrbová, P. - Prokopová, L.
Publikováno v
In: 14th Architecture in Perspective 2022 / 14. Architektura v perspektivě 2022. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta stavební, 2022. p. 229-232. ISBN 978-80-
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The paper presents the research of thin layer insulating material on technical distributions. This material can be a new possibility for the design concept of pipes in buildings. Technical pipelines are an integral part of the building, the usual solutio n is to "hide " these elements in the ceiling or shaft. However, there is a number of important realizations in which the architects were able to deal with visible technical pipelines, whether it is the Center Georges Pompidou,where the authors followed th e path of com plete and organized visibility of technical distributions or, conversely, there are implementations that don't cover many pipelines but at the same time using simple effects in the form of coloring them they try to make them "invisible". One s uch example f or all is the Tate modern. In all ingenious concepts of pipes in space, colors play a major role. Nowadays, it is not possible to meet the legislative requirements for the thermal
insulation of pipes with conventional coatings. At the same ti me, common te chnical thermal insulation materia ls do not provide an excessive possibility of the artistic interconnection of space with technical distributions. We have therefore focused on a thin layer insulating material that meets the above requirements This paper presents, on
specific examples, how well the interconnection of colors, technical elements, building architecture and public space works and points out the importance of interdisciplinary interconnection of individual professions that shape bu ildings
Vrbová, P. - Prokopová, L.
Publikováno v
In: Materials and Technologies of Modern Production. Pfaffikon: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2022. p. 253-259. ISSN 1013-9826. ISBN 978-3-0364-0168-3.
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This article is a part of a scientific work dealing with the research of thermal insulation properties of thin-layer insulation material made of hollow glass-ceramic microspheres in relation to technical equipment of buildings. Until now, there has been a lack of scientific studies describing the effectiveness of thermal insulation properties of thin-layer insulation materials on distribution systems or technical equipment. Thin-layer thermal insulation materials may have a great potential for use in building reconstructions and associated reconstruction of distribution systems, where there is often insufficient space for additional conventional thermal insulation and where energy savings of the whole system need to be addressed. For this reason, a series of laboratory measurements were made and in this particular case, the insulation material was applied in a 2 mm layer to the heat storage tank and the heat losses of two models of the heat storage tank (without insulation and with thin-layer insulation coating) were compared. In addition, for a more comprehensive view of the issue, the two models were compared in two situations that may occur in practice, which are the cases of free and forced convection.
Jakůbek, J. - Prokopová, L. - Pavlas, M. - Zobal, O., - Majna, M.
Publikováno v
[Research Report] Praha: CTU. Faculty of Architecture, 2023.
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Výzkumná zpráva popisuje pojekt dřevěného mobilního objektu, obsahuje rešerši okrajových podmínek z hlediska možného konstrukčního řešení a vytvoření konceptu, přes studii mobilního dřevěného objektu pro funkci laboratoře a následného vytvoření modelu BIM v detailu jednotlivých prvků pro provádění. Spoučástí je kompletní prováděcí dokumentace dřevěného objektu.
Richtrová, D. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Kurz osvětlovací techniky XXXVII. Ostrava: Česká společnost pro osvětlování, 2023. p. 138-144.
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Článek poukazuje na možné měření světelné propustnosti zasklení v „in situ“, kde
hraje hlavní roli poloha zasklení vůči exteriérovým podmínkám pozadí. Měření denního
osvětlení a souvisejících veličin, je velmi náročnou disciplínou, jelikož výsledné hodnoty závisí na velkém počtu proměnných okrajových podmínek a jejich vzájemném působení. Pro stanovení hodnoty propustnosti zasklení se standardně využívá laboratorního měření a výpočtů. V praxi může nastat případ, kdy je potřeba zjistit světlenou propustnost na již
zabudovaném prvku se zasklením. Z experimentu vyplývá, že problematika exteriérového
pozadí má velký vliv na výsledné naměřené hodnoty světlené propustnosti zasklení.
Rolínková, J.
Publikováno v
In: Rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings 2023. Praha: Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky WTA CZ, 2023. p. 36-45. ISBN 978-80-908408-2-9.
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Reconstruction of historical buildings almost always means the need to solve problems of moisture of masonry and interior and related degradation processes of structures. On several examples of implemented or prepared reconstruction of listed buildings, strongly endangered by the effects of moisture, we illustrate the possibilities of solution of dehumidification of buildings with the help of passive ventilation systems.
Richtrová, D. - Prokopová, L., - Bošová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings 2023. Praha: Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky WTA CZ, 2023. p. 27-30. ISBN 978-80-908408-2-9.
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The subject of the research is the quality, ageing and degradation of glass, which is used in the construction of window openings of buildings in relation to its light transmission and influence on the light environment. The article evaluates the influence of ageing of glass structures over the years on the light environment inside permanently occupied buildings. By default, laboratory measurements and calculations are used to determine the value of glazing transmission when it is possible to set and ensure marginal conditions. Furthermore, computer simulations were used to demonstrate the state of daylight in declared spaces in relation to the values of light transmission and the life cycle length of the glass element.