This proposal examines the problem of the continuous adaptation of artificial neural networks in complex dynamic environment within the context of the future development of architecture.
The fundamental needs and motivations of human are determined by physiological possibilities and biological and psychological conditions and the habitat. The same motivation and need take human to continuosly transform the space of the natural environment into the artificial (technological) environment. The architecture is understood as a dynamic organism that is driven by the creation of humans needs caused by the lack of instinctive adaptability to the dynamic environment.
Architecture, Art, Brain-Computer Technology (BCI), Communication, Creation, Data processing, EEG, Frequency, Intelligence, Medium, Meta-Learning, Neural Networks, Sensory, Sound, Space, Structure, Synthesis
Výzkumné projekty
Evolving Architecture - Adaptation of Artificial Neural Networks in Complex Dynamic Environments
Trvání projektu
Hlavní řešitel
Kotnour, K.
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