Petrus, E.
Publikováno v
In: Architecture and Sustainable Development 20. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2020. p. 66-73. ISBN 978-80-01-06770-3.
The aim of the paper is to offer a comparison between a burgher’s
house and a modern townhouse. The current townhouse is
a type of family, higher townhouse with more living rooms.
Usually with three or more floors. The height significantly
exceeds the width of the house. Townhouse is a type of family
urban house with a strong connection to public space. This
is an example of a low rise, high density housing. In Czech
environment, townhouses are known in the form of burgher’s
houses, which, like contemporary townhouses, offered life in the
city and combined a place for both living and work. Over time,
there was a great emphasis on representation the homeowner.
A comparison of a burgher‘s house and a townhouse shows their
common characteristics. Pointing out why the townhouse is
typologically connected to the burgher house and why no other
type of family houses is based on it. The comparison is made
on a scale of the city, house, flat and room, but also within the
target group of inhabitants. The result of this part of the research
is the answer to two questions: Why is the burgher house of
typological predecessors of the modern townhouse? What can
we learn from it when designing a modern townhouse, focused
on the urban environment of the Czech Republic?
Petrus, E.
Publikováno v
In: 9th Annual on Architecture and Urbanism Conference. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2020. p. 14-23. ISBN 978-80-214-5903-8.
The aim of this report is to offer a comprehensive picture of townhouse development plans in the European context, using the examples of Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom. A townhouse is a type of higher urban family house with multiple living rooms, usually with three or more floors. The height significantly exceeds the width of the house. Due to common building structures and technical and spatial solutions, such as shared parking, waste management, etc., it is more of a hybrid typology. That is, a combination of individual housing and an apartment building. From an urban point of view, townhouses are a type of urban housing, especially as an example of low-rise buildings with high residential density with a strong link to public space. An overall evaluation of foreign examples of development plans will demonstrate how current townhouses are implemented in the urban structure. This is in terms of character of development, open space and transportation.
Petrus, E.
Publikováno v
In: reVize Typologie 2020 - Provozní vyhodnocení. Praha: CTU. Faculty of Architecture, 2020. p. 45-56. ISBN 978-80-01-06828-1.
Příspěvek se zabývá nalezením potenciální cílové skupiny rezidentů, která by chtěla bydlet v townhousech. Výzkum je zacílený na prostředí České republiky. Cílem je rovněž zjistit požadavky této cílové skupiny a jejich preference ve vztahu k bydlení. Townhouse je typ rodinného, vyššího městského řadového domu s více obytnými místnostmi. Obvykle se třemi a více podlažími. Výška výrazně převyšuje šířku domu. Townhouse je typ rodinného městského domu se silnou vazbou na veřejný prostor. Jedná se o příklad nízkopodlažní zástavby s vysokou obytnou hustotou. Výzkum je provedený na základ dotazníkového šetření.